Sunday, October 7, 2007

I sold the very first baby headband I made! Yeah!

Buying baby headbands in baby boutiques can be pretty expensive. One simple baby headband in the store can cost from US$7.50 ~US$13.00. I guess hand-made stuff is always expensive in America. I bought 3 baby headbands for Rainny before and each of them cost about US$8.50. And since I like to dress up Rainny and match her outfit with different headbands, I decided to try to make them myself. It saves money,too!!!...heehee

Making baby headbands is a lot of fun (for m
e) and you can be very creative with it! I've been making some baby headbands whenever I have time. Adam actually helped me put some pictures of Rainny wearing the headbands I made on Taiwan Yahoo Auction.We made the starting bidding price at NT$1 and it turned out that there were quite a lot of people bidding. A couple days ago, we sold our very first headband on Yahoo Auction for the final bidding price of NT$51. It wasn't too bad I guess, considering we were just kinda doing it for fun and wanted to see how many people are interested in buying. : )

Rainny is such a good model! : )


阿曼達 said...

HAHA~~~Rainy is so so so cute with your hand-made headband!

Christine said...

Rainy looks so adorable in those headbands. I am impressed with your creativity. I can't even tie bows on Christmas presents!

Jerin said...

Hey - those are cute headbands. It helps that you have such a cute model. :)

Nikki H. said...

Those headbands AND Rainny are sooo cute! I hope you sell millions!

Wami said...

Wow, Nicole! You are talented!

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