Friday, January 16, 2009

2008 Christmas in Utah-Part 2

December 26th-Having fun taking pictures in the snow.

We put Rainny's Mickey Mouse in the snow and took a picture. Notice something is missing? One of Mickey's eyebrows...heehee! One day Rainny was playing with her Mickey Mouse and she ripped off one of his eyebrows. Then I told her Mickey's got an owie and she just started crying because she really thought Mickey was are just so funny! Mickey has since then become one-eyebrowed Mickey. (I still keep the other eyebrow but just never remembered to glue it back...) Believe it or not, this Mickey Mouse was a gift from my dad when he went to Disneyland 20 years ago!!! And now this antique and hand-me-down Mickey Mouse has become Rainny's best pal ever! : )
Rainny looks so tiny standing behind the big pile of snow!
The Christmas tree popcorn eater Sassy sleeping cozily on Rainny's baby blanket.^0^

December 29th-Going sledding with Angie and Craig!
We went sledding with Angie, Craig and his two little girls in a nearby park in Logan. Adam had been so excited about taking our little family (first time going sledding for Rainny and I!) to go sledding on this trip. We first tried a small and more kids-friendly hill and Rainny really liked it, but after going on a bigger and steeper hill, Rainny just didn't seem to like it that much and didn't want to sit in the sled anymore (I guess it was a little more scary for her)...and later all she only wanted to do was to walk up and down the hill...hahaha! I never knew that sledding can go so fast and get so...well, out of control! But it was really so much fun!:)

December 31st-New Year's Eve party in Salt Lake!
Our good friends Shwan and Amei invited us to their New Year's Eve party. It's always so much fun hanging out with friends! We ate a lot of good food, played so many fun games and just partied and partied all night until it was time to count down the New Year!
This was definitely the highlight of the New Year's Eve party! All 7 couples celebrated the New Year with lots of kisses and kisses and kisses!!! ^0^ (P.S. Rainny celebrated her 2009 New Year by watching more Mickey Mouse Clubhouse upstairs! Hahahahaha...)


Christine said...

I am glad to hear you had so much fun during your vacation! It was great to see you.

Jerin said...

Aww - so sad about when Rainny cried about Mickey Mouse. What a sweet girl. We're sad we didn't get to see how much she's grown up now. We'll definitely have to try again!